Vit "Vitya" Novacek


A meager web presence of one academic ape [a possibly relevant disclaimer - if you have an impression that this place is not very much up to date, you may not be entirely wrong; the last touch up happened in August 2023, which results in a rather horrendous once-in-three years update frequency at the moment, ahem]

View the Project on GitHub viitya/novacek

Intro / Mysteries / Scribblings / Preachings / Boring / Other / Contact

When I’m not freaking out about swarms of viruses raging in public places (v.2020) or a nuclear war looming just around the corner (v.2023), one can find me in the office C221 at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University. If you want to meet me there (or indeed anywhere else, be it physically or online), best is to let me know at least two days ahead and we’ll figure it out somehow.

My office phone is +420 5 4949 7549.

My preferred contact is my email, though. When I’m not somewhere in the woods or lost at sea, I should respond pretty swiftly to any reasonable queries there.

Last but not least, my postal address is: Vít Nováček, Office C221, Botanická 68a, 602 00, Brno, Czech Republic.