A meager web presence of one academic ape [a possibly relevant disclaimer - if you have an impression that this place is not very much up to date, you may not be entirely wrong; the last touch up happened in August 2023, which results in a rather horrendous once-in-three years update frequency at the moment, ahem]
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A day may come when I will manage to cough up a script for populating this list properly. Alas, I don’t see that day coming any time soon, so for now I’ll only dump some of the more significant recent stuff here:
- Machine Learning–Assisted Recurrence Prediction for Patients With Early-Stage Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. A Janik et al. - Journal of Clinical Oncology / Clinical Cancer Informatics, 2023.
- Synergy between imputed genetic pathway and clinical information for predicting recurrence in early stage non-small cell lung cancer. M Timilsina et al. - Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2023.
- Unsupervised extraction, labelling and clustering of segments from clinical notes. P Zelina, J Halámková, V Nováček - IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2022.
- Boundary heat diffusion classifier for a semi-supervised learning in a multilayer network embedding. M Timilsina, V Nováček, M d’Aquin, H Yang - Neural Networks, 2022.
- An Artificial Intelligence-Based Tool for Data Analysis and Prognosis in Cancer Patients: Results from the Clarify Study. M Torrente et al. - Cancers, 2022.
- Biological applications of knowledge graph embedding models. SK Mohamed, A Nounu, V Nováček - Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021.
- Accurate Prediction of Kinase-Substrate Networks Using Knowledge Graphs. V Nováček et al. - PLOS Computational Biology, 2020.
- Discovering protein drug targets using knowledge graph embeddings. SK Mohamed, V Nováček, A Nounu - Bioinformatics, 2020.
- Facilitating prediction of adverse drug reactions by using knowledge graphs and multi-label learning models. E Muñoz, V Nováček, PY Vandenbussche - Briefings in bioinformatics, 2019.
For more, please check my Google Scholar or university profiles.